Leigh-Kathryn Bonner

Happy Summer & Pollinator Week from the GWCCA Honeybees!

GWCCA bees are back and bee-tter than ever! But what exactly have our bees been up to this year? In January, our bees were in a temporary location near our loading docks, awaiting a brand new home adjacent to the beltline connector. Inside the hives, the honeybees were clustered in a ball around the queen […]

Bee Downtown CEO: Sustainability is GWCCA’s “Beesness”

Every once in a while, you meet someone that “gets it.” Someone that truly gets the importance of using business as a force for environmental good. Last year I was working to expand my North Carolina-based business Bee Downtown with our first forrays into Atlanta. At Bee Downtown we install and maintain beehives on corporate […]

Bee Downtown CEO: Sustainability is GWCCA's "Beesness"

Every once in a while, you meet someone that “gets it.” Someone that truly gets the importance of using business as a force for environmental good. Last year I was working to expand my North Carolina-based business Bee Downtown with our first forrays into Atlanta. At Bee Downtown we install and maintain beehives on corporate […]