GWCCA by the numbers: 2018 in review

In this age of analytics, numbers can tell important stories.

Quite simply, numbers illustrate the state of our business – and once again, the Georgia World Congress Center Authority’s (GWCCA) fiscal year 2018 narrative is a success story.

Be sure to explore the recently published Focal Point: Annual Report 2018, which is chock full of data and numbers, including this awesome stat line: last fiscal year (from July 2017 through June 2018), 3.7 million visitors attended 482 events on the GWCCA’s downtown Atlanta campus, generating an estimated economic impact of $1.77 billion.

That’s billion, with a b.

And if you want a deeper dive into the data, click here for the latest Economic Impact Study of the GWCCA, prepared by State Fiscal Economist Ken Heaghney of Georgia State  University.

Meanwhile, check out this infographic created by GWCCA’s multi-media specialist Ashley Gilmer, illuminating our 2018 numbers from a cross section of the GWCCA spectrum.


Here are some other fun stats from our food services partner, Levy Restaurants, also culled from fiscal year 2018.

We’re talking about feeding the masses at the 3.9-million-square-foot (and growing) Georgia World Congress Center and 22-acre Centennial Olympic Park.

In fiscal year 2018, Levy served:

–          641,112 pounds of produce.

–          201, 864 pounds of dairy products (milk, creamer, cheese, ice cream).

–          28 varieties of seafood.

–          58,977 pound of chicken wings.

–          27,012 plated meals.