Keep Georgia (and the GWCCA) safe: See something, send something

Here on the Georgia World Congress Center Authority’s (GWCCA) downtown Atlanta campus, the phrase “see something, say something” is part of the organization’s culture encouraging team members to report suspicious activity.

Now the old adage is getting a digital twist with the “See Something, Send Something” smartphone app introduced Wednesday by Gov. Nathan Deal.

The free app, which operates nationwide, allows users to report suspicious activity to local law enforcement to combat terrorism and criminal activity. You can send a photo or text, or both.

Safety of the GWCCA campus’ 2 million-plus annual visitors is the Authority’s top priority, and the “See Something, Say Something” app is another tool people can use to serve as additional eyes and ears for law enforcement.

“As technology continues to drastically change our world, public safety remains a top priority,” said Deal. “While we work to make our state a safer place to live, work and raise a family, Georgia citizens and law enforcement must cooperate to deter crime and report suspected terrorism within our communities. This launch of ‘See Something, Send Something’ is the latest step in ensuring that Georgia is not only the No. 1 state for business, but also the safest state to call home.”

To download the app,click here. It is available for Androids, iPhones and iPads.

To be clear, this app is not for reporting emergencies that require immediate response – those situations should be reported by dialing 911.

Personal data and info is on everyone’s mind these days, and the See Something, Send Something app, powered My Mobile Witness, Inc., “uses privacy protection software to safeguard users’ personal information and the integrity of tips,” according to press release.

Tips are basically anonymous as personal data, tracking locations aren’t used, and tips are immediately removed from your mobile device and purged from the My Mobile Witness system following delivery to the Georgia Information Sharing and Analysis Center.

Here is a link to FAQs about the app.